The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) is now the central collation point for NHS data. It receives data from non GP sources such as hospitals as well as being able to receive data from GPs. Every data path leads to the HSCIC. Some processing can take place in the HSCIC for internal NHS purposes such as commissioning services but in addition data can then leave the HSCIC bound for non NHS destinations such as research, universities and commercial organisations. HSCIC is the focus point for all of this data.
This is separate to the Patient Summary Care Record which allows NHS Healthcare staff caring for you in an emergency to be aware of your current medication, allergies and if you suffer from any bad reactions to medications.
We will only add information to your record when you tell us to, thus if you do not tell us to opt you out then no information will be added to prevent your being used. It is your choice as a patient to do this and each patient must complete their own form if they choose to opt out.
Here is the official patient frequently asked questions if you would like to read this cd-patient-faqs
We will only accept your choice on our practice form. You can collect one at reception or download it from the link below. This form must be fully complete or we will not accept it. It is the patient responsibility to have the form fully complete and accurate.
We are not responsible for the choice you have made and will only accept fully complete forms which have all of the information requested complete.
We do not accept other forms which may have similar information.
download the patient choice form here Care Data Patient Choice Form